Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Kites Worked

So the kites not only worked, but they worked better than some I've paid for. The boys were actually getting them up in the air from the ground just by holding the string and running fast. Very cool! Very tiring, too, which is also very cool when you've got a bunch of second-grade boys to wear out :D.

I received all of my plants, too, so the garden is growing, the honeyberry bushes are planted, and the raspberries are sending out tons of shoots. I love summer!

Hey, if you're here because you like to read and/or write, check out my newest link - Like Omg Teens Read. It's an excellent forum with a fast-growing member list. I've got a pad of paper here to jot down all of the great book suggestions.

Now, all I need to do is get to the library . . .

Have a beautiful, shining, fun summer day!