Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Made a Kite

Did you know you can make a kite out of just a paper grocery bag, some tape, and some twine?

I made one today because I'm going to have my cub scout den make them tonight, so I wanted to make sure I could, you know . . . make it myself. So I don't look like an idiot.

The thing flies, too, I've discovered. Yesterday would have been a great day to fly it because we had Wizard-of-Oz type winds going on that knocked out the power for over two hours, but even with just a slight breeze I got it up in the air. I'll post a picture as soon as I take one and get it on the computer.

So put away your money and dig out the scissors, folks! There's a potential kite hiding away right there in your pantry.

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